GEM-related Publications
- [hauck97a:rovi] A. Hauck, S. Lanser, and
C. Zierl.
Hierarchical Recognition of Articulated Objects from Single
Perspective Views.
In Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'97), pages
870-883. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
- [kilincarslan-da:rovi] Nurettin
Integration aggregierter Merkmale in ein videobasiertes
Master's thesis, TU München, Fakultät für Informatik, April 1997.
- [hauck96a:rovi] A. Hauck and N. O.
A Hierarchical World Model with Sensor- and Task-Specific
In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS'96), pages 1614-1621, 1996.
- [hauck96b:rovi] A. Hauck and N. O.
Video-Based Determination of the Joint States of Articulated
In 2nd Int. Conf. on Robotics, Vision and Parallel Processing for
Industrial Automation (ROVPIA'96), pages 1018-1023, 1996.
- [stoeffler96b:rovi] Norbert O. Stöffler, Alexa
Hauck, and Georg Färber.
Ein geometrisch-symbolisches Umgebungsmodell zur Unterstützung
verschiedener Perzeptionsaufgaben autonomer, mobiler Systeme.
In G. Schmidt and F. Freyberger, editors, Autonome Mobile Systeme,
Informatik aktuell, pages 108-117. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
- [stoeffler96a:rovi] Norbert O. Stöffler and
Thomas Troll.
Model Update by Radar- and Video-based Perceptions of Environmental
In M. Jamshidi, F. Pin, and P. Dauchez, editors, International Symposium
on Robotics and Manufacturing (ISRAM), volume 6, pages 751-756. ASME
Press, 1996.
- [zapf-da:rovi] Christopher Zapf.
Sensornahe Zugriffsmechanismen für ein geometrisch-symbolisches
Master's thesis, TU München, Fakultät für Elektro- und Informationstechnik,
July 1996.
- [burschka95b:rovi] D. Burschka, C. Eberst,
A. Hauck, and N. O. Stöffler.
Hierarchische Umgebungsmodellierung für Lokalisation, Exploration und
In R. Dillmann, U. Rembold, and T. Lüth, editors, Autonome Mobile
Systeme, Informatik aktuell, pages 132-141. Springer-Verlag, 1995.
- [hauck95a:rovi] A. Hauck and N. O.
A Hierarchic World Model Supporting Video-based Localization,
Exploration and Object Identification.
In Proc. 2nd Asian Conf. on Computer Vision (ACCV'95), volume 3,
pages 176-180, 1995.
- [magin95a:rovi] G. Magin, A. Ruß, D. Burschka, and
G. Färber.
A dynamic 3D environmental model with real-time access functions for use in
autonomous mobile robots.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 14 pp. 119-131, 1995.
- [unterholzner-da:rovi] Stefan
Objektorientierte Repräsentation geometrisch-symbolischer
Master's thesis, TU München, Fakultät für Elektro- und Informationstechnik,
November 1995.
Mon Dec 20 16:43:03 MET 1999