Optic Flow


Pages created 1995-2000

N. Stöffler



OFS - Optic Flow Sensor

... or what´s got an MPEG processor to do with Robot Vision?

The term Optic Flow refers to the motion in video images which is represented by a two-dimensional vector field. Here at the lab we have developed a PC board that can estimate this vector field from a video stream in real-time (up to 525 vectors in 40ms). Because of the computational costs of the underlying correlation operation, a specialized MPEG-Processor (MEP, Motion Estimation Processor) is used. An additional processing unit (realized by FPGA technology) augments each vector with a confidence value. Current research topics include the adaption of common optic flow techniques to the pecularities of this approach with special regards to autonomous vehicle navigation.

Current applications are:

Further possible application include:

  • Definition of ROIs for the initialization of snakes
  • Matching of stereo images
  • Matching of current images with reference pattern
